OpenPlant PID Help

Wedge Surface

(3D only) Used to place a wedge shaped surface, by sweeping a rectangular cross-section about a pivot point. The shape of the outer face can be rounded or flat and is determined by the Flat setting.

Axis Sets the direction of the axis of revolution.
  • Points — Direction of axis is defined graphically. AccuDraw can be used to define the drawing plane on which the points are placed.
  • Screen X, Y, or Z — Direction of the axis is set to the screen's X, Y, or Z axis.
  • Drawing X, Y, or Z — Direction of the axis is set to the drawing's, or design file's, X, Y, or Z axis.
Triangular Determines the shape of the wedge. If on, the outer face is flat (a chord of the swept surface). If off, the outer face is rounded.
Radius If on, sets the primary radius.
Angle If on, sets the angle (of sweep).
Height If on, sets the height.
Note: To place a volume of revolution with a non-rectangular cross-section, use the Surface by Revolution tool.